Happy 9th Birthday RLC!

9 years ago, our ministry was born by prophetic word by the Lord. We held our first service in a temporary home and remained walking through the desert for 5 years before we finally made it into our Promised Land! We are so grateful for every person who has walked in and given and served to some capacity to help us get to where we stand today. Thank you Jesus for these 9 years of unity, friendships, love, support, prayers, fellowships, laughter, tears, worship, and all praise & honor to YOU OUR KING! Happy 9th Birthday RLC! Here’s to many more years ahead and greater things to come!


Our first women’s conference was a huge success! The vision was to give a FREE Women’s Conference to the Poteet community and surrounding areas, which was the first of its kind and the first of many for RLC. We are still in awe of how beautiful and impacting this conference was for so many women. We are still hearing so many giving so much positive feedback! Here are some highlights of RADIATE 2024!

SAVE THE DATE for August 1-2, 2025 for RADIATE 2025!

RADIATE – Thank You!

We would like to thank all of the businesses who generously donated to this amazing and historical event for the Poteet community of women. We are overjoyed with the turnout and the way everything turned out. We have received so much positive feedback, and we already have ladies ready to sign up for 2025!

RLC Grand Opening – December 26, 2021

As we have our last service of 2021 this Sunday, it is also a time of awaited celebration! We have worked so hard during the past 6 months to finalize our building and turn it into God’s House of Worship and our home away home. We invite you to this very special Grand Opening service and celebration of how God has miraculously provided and brought us into our Promised Land!